I’m A Believer

Oct 30, 2020

I’m a believer.  I believe that Jesus is Who the Bible says He is and did what the Bible says He did. I believe He can be trusted without hesitation or reservation.  I believe He reigns over my life for good.  I believe His kingdom will last forever.  I believe fullness of joy and pleasure forevermore await me.  I believe in His agenda of love.  I believe He chose me to be in His family and called me to invite others into His family. I believe I have given up nothing of value to follow Him and have gained immeasurable riches in knowing Him. I believe grace is available to those who receive His love, and wrath is coming for those who reject it.  I believe He has forgiven the penalty of my sin, freed me from the power of sin, and will forever remove the presence of sin from me.  I believe He will finish what He started in me, loving me just as I am, but always working to transform me into who I have not yet become.  I believe that to believe is to turn from sin and turn to Jesus. I believe He is coming soon, perhaps today, to fulfill all that He has promised.  I believe until I meet Him face to face in glory, I should bring Him glory on earth.  I believe that because of Jesus the best is always yet to come for those who believe. Do you believe?

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