Trusting Leads To Transformation

If trusting in Jesus is the basis for our hope of eternal life in heaven, then how can we know that we really trust Him? The short answer is: we look for evidences that the trust we have in Him is changing us.  Genuine saving belief never leaves you the same.  We gradually become less like the world and more like Jesus as we follow Him in faith.  Trusting Him leads to ongoing and loving… Repentance, because we believe what He offers is better than what sin offers.  Obedience, because we believe His ways are always best. Confidence, because we believe what He has promised us.  We believe.  We change.  That’s how we know.

Trying Or Trusting

If you hope to go to heaven when you die, you are basing that hope on one of two things: trying or trusting. You may be trying to be a good person or trying to practice a religion.  Neither of those things will get you into heaven because it’s your sin that separates you from God and keeps you from entering His presence.  No amount of trying hard to do good and right things will remove that sin and replace it with righteousness.  The Christian faith is not about trusting in our own good works or even trusting that Jesus died for us plus our good works; it is about trusting that Jesus lived and died for us.  Jesus + Nothing = Everything. We pin our hopes on this:  He exchanged His perfect life for our imperfect ones.

Not Done Shining Yet

God will bring you through 100% of your dark days until He brings you home.  He will not forget you a single moment.  He will not forsake you a single time.  He will not fail you a single day. Will it always be easy? No. Will it always be comfortable? No.  Will it always be the way you want it? No. But it will always be under the careful, calculated and compassionate rule of a Father Who loves you and has a purpose for you.  You are alive and breathing today because God made it so; God made it so because you were made to be a light in this dark world (Matthew 5:14-16), and you are not done shining yet.

Our Hope Is In This

Our hope is not in who sits in the Oval Office, but in Who sits on the throne in heaven.  Our hope is not in who governs us on earth, but in Who reigns and rules over the entire universe.  Our hope is not in what laws are passed, but in the One Who has written His law of love on our hearts.  While politics, parties, programs and policies do have an impact upon our lives and our country, and we should take these things seriously, the optimism we have for everyday and eternal well-being does not rise and fall on one of us, but on Jesus, Who is God with us.  This is where we pin our hope:  Jesus governs our lives.

Your Prayer Life

Is your prayer life more about getting God to do your will or you to do His?   I’ll be the first to admit that it’s much easier for me to pray about my preferences, priorities and plans than it is to say to my Heavenly Father, “nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.”   Yet, there is nothing so freeing and fulfilling than to be right where God means for me to be doing right what God means for me to do.   Prayer involves many things, but the most important thing is to request what we need to live for His Kingdom, not to secure what we need to build our own. Today, ask God to give what you need to do what He wants.

With Faith

There is often a tension between belief and doubt when things become difficult.  It would be plausible to lose hope and lose heart when facing things that are too much for us to handle if we were forced to handle them alone.  But Jesus has promised to never leave us alone, always supplying the grace we need for the needs we face.  The more we trust in Him, the more we will rely on Him during the unexpected, uncertain and unpleasant difficulties of this broken world.  He will work it out for good as we work out His purposes for us.  With faith all things are not made easy.  With faith all things are made possible.

Real Peace

You will never experience real peace until you rest in God’s grace.   Anything else results in some version of regret for your past, pressure to measure up in the present, or worry about what might happen to you in the future.  Peace is elusive when we look to ourselves to make things right because there is always this ever-present feeling that we are not doing enough.  Indeed, we cannot do enough.  Nor do we need to, for Jesus has done it all.   Resting in God’s grace means trusting that Jesus forgives, Jesus frees and Jesus is faithful to provide.  Herein is peace found:  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Storms Never Have The Final Word

The clouds roll in like never before.  The lightning flashes and the thunder roars.  The wind blows and the rain pours.  Chance of storm:  100%.  Something bad is brewing.  But, if you love Jesus, you can be sure that the hardships you experience are going to serve the high purposes of God. Chance of good from the storm:  100%.  For Christians… Suffering is never pointless.  Struggles are never without blessing.  Storms never have the final word.    Therefore, let us endure hardships in hope while we wait for Him to finish His good work, knowing it will be worth it in the end and someday He will bring all suffering to an end.

Fight By Grace

People who love Jesus repent by making war against their sin instead of making excuses for it.  Because His pardon is given to us, and His power is with us, and His presence is in us, we can be honest about our sin, and we can be victorious over it. Therefore, let us strive for holy living while resting in the grace of God, remembering and rejoicing over this truth:   what Jesus has done for us on the cross is sufficient to both cleanse and correct our transgressions.  Because of grace we don’t give up in our fight against our sinfulness; by grace we get up and fight on.

Forgiven And Free

Every person alive disobeys God, but the ways in which we respond to our sin is often in stark contrast with each other.  Some people rationalize.  Some people repent.   As Christians, we have a faith in Jesus that is demonstrated by loving obedience, though imperfectly executed. That means we too will disobey God at times, but because of the love we receive from Him and have for Him, we will admit our sin by seeking His pardon for it and His power to be free from it.

Depend On Him

We were not made to be self-reliant, self-sustaining or self-sovereigns.  God created us to be dependent upon His gracious care and provision, turning to Him and trusting in Him, moment by moment for what we need.   Our wisdom and willpower are inadequate for handling life, but His is infinite, and it is readily available to those who trust in Jesus.  Don’t try to make it on your own.  You were never meant to.  When there is a mile-high mountain or a mountain of little stuff piled up a mile high that is too big for you to climb, perhaps God put it there as a gracious and loving reminder for you to depend on Him.

It Is Exhausting

One of the most exhausting things in all of life is trying to be in control of your life.  Things simply will not always happen the way we want them to, and the more we try to force them to, the more worn out and weary we will become.  But there is good news for frustrated control freaks like us:  God rules and reigns over the cosmos for the good of His people.  So… Step off the throne; that’s where He sits.  Step out in faith; that’s where rest comes.  Watch the frustration and exhaustion melt away when you operate by this truth: God is in control; we can stop trying to be.

Defeating Doubt

Defeat doubt by preparing for battle in advance by filling your heart with the truth of God’s Word.   In advance, because doubt appears without warning.  With the truth of God’s Word, because doubt arrives with lies.  The enemy will attack you in times of darkness because it’s hard to see him coming, and it’s hard to see the situation for what it really is.   Therefore, start your day in the light by saturating your heart with a good and accurate picture of God’s graciousness and faithfulness so you can remember, rejoice in and rely on those truths and promises when darkness falls.  Never forget in the dark what God has shown you in the light.

Short #9: Die Ready

Dying ready is not about trying hard to do more and be better so God will accept you into heaven when this life is over.  Instead, it’s about trusting in Jesus and the work He has finished on your behalf and, in response, finishing the work that Jesus has entrusted to you.  We don’t work for our salvation; we work out our salvation.  We don’t pay Him back.  We love Him back.  With our hope in Him, we journey homeward in loving obedience (though imperfectly executed) knowing that the death we once feared is actually the doorway to full and lasting joy with Him.  Death is not the end; it is just the beginning.

Short #6: For Recovering Sight-Walkers

I’m a recovering sight-walker.  Give me the plan.  Give me the map.  Tell me where we’re going, how we’re going to get there, what’s going to happen along the way, and what awaits us at our destination.  While the Bible does give us the “big picture” view of these things, the everyday details of our individual lives aren’t specifically given to us in advance.  It takes faith for us to follow Jesus into the unknown, uncertain and, often, unfamiliar spaces where He leads us.  But our faith rests firmly in this:  when Jesus calls us to leave our comfort zones, we can be sure He will always go with us and provide for us.

Short #5: When We Fail To Glorify God

We glorify God by thanking Him, trusting Him and treasuring Him as we live in loving obedience to Him.  But, let’s be honest … oftentimes we’re not going to get that right.  We’re going to disobey Him and dishonor Him.  We’re going to fall.  What then?  Then … We fall into His mercy.  In those moments when we don’t do the things that honor Him – because we are sinners – we repent and rest in the forgiveness and righteousness that is ours because of the work of Jesus and our faith in Him.  And that glorifies Him too.

Short #3: Be Courageous

Because of Jesus, we can be courageous in the face of tribulation.  His power is greater than our enemies, His sovereignty rules over our battles, His promises reside in our hearts, His forgiveness ensures our futures, His presence empowers our lives, and His grace provides for our needs.  Therefore… Be bold to speak the truth in His love.  Be courageous to face enemies with His love.  Be encouraged in tribulation by His love.  Take heart today, Christian… your tribulation will not last forever; but your joy in Jesus will.

He Has Risen As He Said

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.  – Matthew 28:5-6

Do you believe that Jesus is alive?  Then don’t live as if He’s still dead.  Don’t live as if you are left to your own wisdom, strength and resources to navigate through life.  Don’t live as if this world and its stuff is all there is, and you can’t be happy unless you have more of it.   Don’t live as if your life has no real meaning and purpose, and how you spend your time doesn’t really matter.   Don’t live as if you are a victim of temptation and sin, powerless to stand up to it and resist it and defeat it.  Don’t live as if life is out of control, and you have just cause to worry and fear and dread.  Listen… The empty tomb changes everything! You couldn’t live up to God’s standards, so Jesus lived perfectly for you.  You couldn’t break free from sin, so He set you free.  You couldn’t atone for your transgressions, so Jesus died in your place.  You couldn’t defeat death, so He conquered the grave so you too will rise. You couldn’t earn an eternal retirement, so He paid for your inheritance.  You have become rich in salvation, forgiveness, joy, peace, glory, kindness, favor, righteousness, love and hope because of what Jesus accomplished on your behalf.   Because He lives, you can live too … abundantly in this world and eternally in the world to come. Because the Lamb of God was slain, rose again and the tomb is now empty, if you are trusting Him, you are a new person with a new eternity in your future, and new potential, new purpose, new power, new pleasure in Him for everyday life even now.    When you and I live in this newness that Jesus purchased on the cross for us, we do so to bring glory to the Lamb of God who was slain for us, conquered sin and death for us, offers forgiveness and life to us, and has become a treasure to us.     If you are trusting in Jesus, your life is full because the tomb is empty. He has risen as He said, and He will return as He said. Until He does… If you believe that Jesus is alive, then don’t live as if He’s still dead.

Battles, Fighting And Armor – Part 1

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. – Ephesians 6:10-13

You may not realize the extent it reaches into your life.  You may not grasp the effect is has upon your life.  Perhaps you’ve dismissed it as a bad rap, bad influence, bad habit, bad luck, bad timing or bad news.  Labels aside, there is something very palpable and perilous that is happening in our lives.  The threat is real.  The danger is imminent.  The stakes are high. There is a battle that is raging in us, around us, and against us.  The spiritual enemies of God are making war against the family of God.  Just as God is advancing His kingdom, Satan and his allied army are intent on achieving their own objective.  Namely, to stop God from advancing His kingdom.  It is, of course, ultimately in vain, but in the time and space we now reside, there is conflict.  The enemy forces will come at us in an all-out assault upon our faith and an all-out attempt to control, cripple, or crush us.  Therefore, we must fight for… our marriage and family, thought life and beliefs, purity and righteousness, calling and purpose, loyalty to God, satisfaction in Jesus, God-given hopes and dreams, wise use of time, stewardship of money, delight for God’s word, devotion to prayer, dependence upon the Holy Spirit, next step of faith, stand against injustice, voice for the truth, platform to share the gospel, Christ-purchased abundant life and love for our heavenly Father. We cannot afford to yield ground in these areas.  We cannot afford to be passive in the fight.  We cannot be ignorant of or indifferent to the seriousness of the calculated aggression of our enemy.  We cannot let the enticement, frustration, deception, opposition, confusion, distraction, or coercion of any enlisted person or power to convince us to settle for a cheap and comfortable substitution for God and His ways.  The warfare comes in many different forms, but the endgame is always the same:  to convince us to live as if we do not need God.  Therefore, let us fight like our lives depend upon us depending on Him.  Because.  They.  Do.

Lifeopoly, Part 2

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. – Philippians 4:19-20

The way to win the game of Lifeopoly is to go to Jesus.  Go immediately, personally, expectantly, honestly, submissively, willingly, hungrily, persistently, confidently, obediently, adoringly, fearlessly, gratefully, humbly, corporately, sincerely, hopefully, lovingly, trustingly and frequently.   For those moments we are in over our heads and about to lose our minds, let us go directly to Jesus to collect peace and rest.  Whenever we land on a space that has us wondering what to do, let us go directly to Jesus to collect wisdom and guidance.  If the next roll leaves us so weak we think we cannot continue on, let us go directly to Jesus to collect strength and endurance.  Should some turn scare us, let us go directly to Jesus to collect courage and assurance.   As we cause some of the bad things that happen, let us go directly to Jesus for forgiveness and transformation.  Of course, even in this world of brokenness and even in our own sinfulness, not every turn turns out badly.  Some moves bring us to pleasant places.  What should we do then?  Go to Jesus.  Go directly to Jesus.  To thank our God for His gracious gifts, and to ask Him to help us rightly enjoy them so they do not become idols that take us to a bad place. We do not have to handle the demands of this life by ourselves.  In fact, we cannot.  God never intended for us to.  Instead, His Son, Jesus is with us and for us as we round the board.   Go directly to Him and be refreshed and reoriented.  God’s supply of peace, hope, joy, wisdom, strength, courage, security, companionship, and every other good thing He has for us in Jesus is endless.  There is grace for our every roll, every turn, every landing space until this game is over, and it all goes back into the box.  Then, Eternal-Lifeopoly begins.  In which there are no bad spaces to land.  And every player gets fullness of joy and pleasure forevermore with God.