He Has Risen As He Said

Apr 4, 2021

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.  – Matthew 28:5-6

Do you believe that Jesus is alive?  Then don’t live as if He’s still dead.  Don’t live as if you are left to your own wisdom, strength and resources to navigate through life.  Don’t live as if this world and its stuff is all there is, and you can’t be happy unless you have more of it.   Don’t live as if your life has no real meaning and purpose, and how you spend your time doesn’t really matter.   Don’t live as if you are a victim of temptation and sin, powerless to stand up to it and resist it and defeat it.  Don’t live as if life is out of control, and you have just cause to worry and fear and dread.  Listen… The empty tomb changes everything! You couldn’t live up to God’s standards, so Jesus lived perfectly for you.  You couldn’t break free from sin, so He set you free.  You couldn’t atone for your transgressions, so Jesus died in your place.  You couldn’t defeat death, so He conquered the grave so you too will rise. You couldn’t earn an eternal retirement, so He paid for your inheritance.  You have become rich in salvation, forgiveness, joy, peace, glory, kindness, favor, righteousness, love and hope because of what Jesus accomplished on your behalf.   Because He lives, you can live too … abundantly in this world and eternally in the world to come. Because the Lamb of God was slain, rose again and the tomb is now empty, if you are trusting Him, you are a new person with a new eternity in your future, and new potential, new purpose, new power, new pleasure in Him for everyday life even now.    When you and I live in this newness that Jesus purchased on the cross for us, we do so to bring glory to the Lamb of God who was slain for us, conquered sin and death for us, offers forgiveness and life to us, and has become a treasure to us.     If you are trusting in Jesus, your life is full because the tomb is empty. He has risen as He said, and He will return as He said. Until He does… If you believe that Jesus is alive, then don’t live as if He’s still dead.

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