Christmas Is A Declaration Of War

Dec 17, 2020

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.  – Genesis 3:15


Christmas is a declaration of war on everything that separates us from God and the life with Him that we were meant to enjoy now and forever.  Satan deceived Eve, she and Adam sinned against God, and the perfect relationship they enjoyed with Him in paradise was fractured, catapulting all of mankind into sin for which there is no human-merited, human-earned, or human-devised escape.  But God sent Jesus to be born, to live and to lay down His life in the fight for our salvation.  He died in battle, but did not lose the battle, because in atoning for our sins and rising from the dead, He disarmed and defeated Satan.  For those of us who entrust ourselves to Jesus, He forgives us and frees us from our sin and our enemy.  Sin no longer separates us from God!  Sin no longer has power over us! And until Jesus comes again to give us final deliverance from it, we expect, endure, hate, expose, resist and overcome evil, but we do not give in, give up or give out in our fight against it.  We have been equipped with the armor of God, the Word of God and the Spirit of God to empower us as we fight our battles, secure in the truth that Jesus has already secured our victory.  Today, by grace, through faith, for God’s glory… Fight against temptation; fight for holiness.  Fight against despair; fight for joy.  Fight against religious activity; fight for gospel living.  Fight against lies; fight for truth.  Fight against every form of evil; fight for every form of good. Never settle for less than God’s best for your life! Because of Jesus, make war not excuses.


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