Every waking hour something has captured the attention of our minds. We never stop thinking. We are constantly entertaining new thoughts, pausing at times to dwell on some of them. These thoughts have the power to shape how we believe and behave, for better or for worse, so we must let our minds land most often on Jesus. The more we think about Him, the more it will rewire how we think about ourselves and others. It will change our perspective on how we interpret our circumstances. It will cause us to reprioritize what matters most so we don’t waste our time on lesser things. It will stir up a healthy fear and trembling before God because of the sin in our lives and thus bring about repentance. It will produce greater joy, peace, comfort, security, strength, hope, and contentment as we rest in what we have come to know about who God is and what God does. We think about everything. Setting our minds on Jesus will change how we think about everything.