Joy That Can Never Be Taken Away

Our joy will always be at risk if it is dependent upon things that we look to instead of Jesus because we are always at risk of losing them.  The thrill fades away.  The moment is over.  The thing breaks.  The experience disappoints. The person leaves. But Jesus has promised to give us a joy that doesn’t burn out, fade out, check out or sell out so we don’t have to miss out on real and lasting happiness that is only found in Him.  Though every other form of happiness will inevitably leave or forsake us, He never will.  In Jesus, we are offered a joy that can never be taken from us no matter what else is.

His Wants Become Our Wants

If you do it out of duty, you’ll be resentful. If you do it for attention, you’ll be prideful.  If you do it just when it’s convenient, you’ll be neglectful. But… If you do it because of love, you’ll be joyful.  Obeying Jesus isn’t a matter of duty, show or convenience; it’s a matter of the heart.  Our affection for Him produces our devotion to Him.  We don’t say and do the right things because that’s the way we should live, but because that’s the way should love the One who tells us what things are right for us to say and do.  May grace continue to change how we feel about Him so that more and more His wants become our wants.

Counting Correctly

Christians should count the various trials in our lives as joy. Not as defeat.  Not as pleasant.  Not as punishment.  Not as meaningless.  Not as insignificant.  Not as a reason to complain.  Not as a lack of God’s care.   Trials can be many things, but they cannot be joy-stealers unless we let them. While it may feel like trials are breaking you today, you can be sure that God is building you up through them in ways that are going to be amazingly good in the days to come.   Your faith muscle becoming stronger.  Your deliverance becoming sooner.  Your witness becoming louder.  Your homecoming becoming sweeter.   Yes, you have hardships; but you also have hope.

The Way To Happiness

It is defined in different ways.  It is pursued in different ways.  It is measured in different ways.  But what happiness has in common no matter how it is defined, pursued and measured is this:  every single human being wants it.  The message of the world is to “do what you want to do and be who you want to be” and this will make you happy.  Only it … Does. Not. Work.  The message of Jesus is “do what I want you to do and be who I made you to be.” In doing so, we will experience His joy, and our joy can be full no matter what else is happening in our lives.  Want to be happy?  His. Way. Works.

What You Will Discover

What you’ll discover about life with Jesus is this… The better you know Him, the longer you follow Him, and the greater you enjoy Him, the deeper you will experience all the blessings and benefits of God’s grace.  He will be honored in you and you will be happy in Him.  And that’s what grace is all about.  God and sinner reconciled so that… God receives the full and lasting worship He’s always deserved, and you receive the full and lasting happiness you’ve always wanted.  It starts now, grows over time, and will extend into eternity where it will explode into unhindered, unbridled, uninterrupted pleasure forevermore.

Inviting Others Into Our Joy

One of the primary aims of Christianity is to invite as many people who are far from God into the joy that we have in Him so they can experience it with us. To fight the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith means not only enduring in the gospel ourselves until our homecoming, but also equipping others with the gospel so they can fight on, race on, and keep on when we have gone on, until there is no place left that has not heard the good news of Jesus.  A life well-lived is one in which we press on in the faith ourselves and pass on the faith to others so that God is honored in more of us and more of us are happy in Him.

To Gain All

We go to great measures to gain treasures in this world.  But trophies, trips, triumphs, titles, toys, things and time spent on earthly pursuits and pleasures with no regard for eternity will undo us in the end.  It’s not that these things are inherently wrong, evil or unprofitable; it’s that we often ignore God to pursue them and value them more than we do Him. God has given us all things richly to enjoy, but the point of that enjoyment is to point us to Jesus. To gain all that the world has to offer yet not have Jesus is to have nothing at all.  To gain all that Jesus has to offer yet not have the world is to have everything.

Blessed Are The Meek

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” – Matthew 5:5

Meekness comes from possessing God’s power and using it for God’s purpose as we trust in God’s providence.  We are not weak; we are strong.  We are not prideful; we are humble.  We are not frantic; we are patient.  How is this possible?  Because of our faith in Jesus, we have the help of God to do all things that He wills as good, and hope in God to work all things out for good.  The more we trust in and submit to His will, the less we will feel the need and desire to force our own as we deal rightly with the people and problems in our lives.  After all, we have God’s assurance for what is waiting ahead for us.

Happy That Others Are Happy

Loving others includes being happy that they are happy … unless the source of their happiness is sin.  People can find happiness in all sorts of things ranging from cheating on a test to cheating on a spouse, hurting themselves through addictions to hurting others through mistreatment, and ignoring family responsibilities to ignoring God.  This is not the time to be happy for them; it is the time to help them. We should support: Godly ambitions, but not selfish ones.  Godly affections, but not sinful ones. Godly actions, but not senseless ones.  Let us encourage, equip and empower each other to be happy, but not in a way that we will regret in the end.

He Goes Through Them With You

All times.  All places. All circumstances. That’s when and where Jesus will be there with you and for you if you are trusting in Him.  There are occasions so wonderful that you never want them to end.  There are occasions so painful that they feel like they will never end.  The key to not being distracted by the highs and defeated by the lows is to keep your eyes on Jesus and experience His strengthening, sustaining, satisfying presence in both the ups and the downs, the wins and the losses, the pleasures and the pains. Turn to Him.  Trust in Him.  Treasure Him.  You can rightly go through all things because Jesus goes right through them with you.

Satisfaction We’ve Been Looking For

If our contentment depends upon our lives being full of good times and good things, we’re going to ride a roller coaster of highs and lows.  We will never be satisfied for long.  Why not?  Because we will find that the details of our lives are constantly changing so that we often have what we don’t want or want what we don’t have.  Jesus offers us something infinitely better… His unchanging presence.  His unchanging promises. His unchanging provision. This doesn’t mean that life won’t have its ups and downs. It means that no matter what life is like… When we look to Jesus, we will find the satisfaction we’ve been looking for everywhere else.

Asking Rightly And Always Receiving

Many people feel like their prayer isn’t “working” so they barely or rarely pray at all. Prayer, as with all of life, should be about God being honored in us and us being happy in Him. This is why we are to pray for… The hallowing of His Name.  The coming of His kingdom.  The doing of His will.  In other words, we ask God to help us and others:  Praise Him.  Pursue Him.  Please Him.  Prayer isn’t about filling up our kingdoms with what we think will make us happy; it is about being filled up by all He offers in His kingdom so we can actually be happy.  When His desires become our desires, we will ask rightly and always receive.

The Way We Count

Christians should count the various trials in our lives as joy. Not as defeat.  Not as pleasant.  Not as punishment.  Not as meaningless.  Not as insignificant.  Not as a reason to complain.  Not as a lack of God’s care.   Trials can be many things, but they cannot be joy-stealers unless we let them. While it may feel like trials are breaking you today, you can be sure that God is building you up through them in ways that are going to be amazingly good in the days to come.   Your faith muscle becoming stronger.  Your deliverance becoming sooner.  Your witness becoming louder.  Your homecoming becoming sweeter.   Yes, you have hardships; but you also have hope.

God Does Care

Satan is a liar.  And there is one lie he both whispers and shouts that is the fountainhead from which ten thousand other lies spring forth:  God.  Doesn’t.  Care.   He wants you to believe… God doesn’t care about your sin, your struggles, your service or your sorrows.  Mainly, the enemy wants you to believe that God doesn’t care about your life.  But Satan is the one who doesn’t care about you!  God showed His care by sending Jesus to defeat sin, turn struggles around for good, make service meaningful and replace sorrows with rejoicing.  All around you are shouts and whispers from God proclaiming one wellspring of truth: “I care.”

He’s Happy With His Choice

God didn’t reluctantly choose you because there was an empty space in His family tree, and He was down to His last option in you.  He readily chose you because that spot in His family was reserved especially for you.  He doesn’t regret it for a moment, even in those moments when you feel like He does because you have fallen short and failed Him.  Because of the moment you put your faith in Jesus… He delights in you.  He rejoices over you.  He is pleased with you.  Whether you stand by His grace and get it right, or fall into His mercy when you get it wrong, you were chosen by God to be with God. And He’s happy with His choice.

God Is The Author Of Happiness

God wants us to be happy.  He’s the Author of happiness.  It was His idea.  But if that’s true, then why are so many people discouraged and downtrodden… and so often un-happy?  The problem is what we listen to that drives what we look to in order to find that happiness.   The message of the world is to “be who you want to be, and do what you want to do” and this will make you happy, only it … does. not. work.  The message of Jesus is “be who I made you to be, and do what I want you to do” and in doing so, we will experience His joy, and our joy will be full no matter what else is happening in our lives.

Full And Lasting Satisfaction

The things of this world were not designed to bring you full and lasting satisfaction; that’s why they never do.  They leave you longing for something more, something different, something better.  You’ll look for it your entire life in people, places, pursuits and possessions; but you’ll only find it in Jesus. He doesn’t offer to get us that new job, new spouse, new vacation, new baby, new home, new personal best, new recognition, new bill of health, or new thing that we think will make us happy.  He offers to give us Himself.  Our satisfaction doesn’t depend upon having the things of this world; it depends upon us having Him.

God Wants Us To Be Happy

God wants us to be happy.  When He tells us in the Bible to do, say, correct, believe, feel, think or share something, it is not to take away our happiness, but rather it is to take away the things that are in the way of our full and lasting happiness.  We must trust that God is after our happiness, that He knows best how to bring about our happiness, and that what He tells us in the Bible is designed to lead us into happiness.  Doing what God tells us is not always easy, popular or instantly gratifying.  But it is always for good, always better in the end than sin, and always the best option for making us truly, ultimately, and eternally happy.

Never Give Up On People

It’s so easy to give up on people who don’t seem to get it or don’t seem to care.  It’s so easy to distance yourself from people who are negative.  It’s so easy to walk away from people who don’t agree with us.  It’s so easy to check out of relationships when we give more than we receive.  But don’t stop showing people the love of Jesus, because it is the love of Jesus that can soften a heart, transform a life, rewrite a story, and impact an eternity.  Though it is sometimes hard to do good to others, let us never give up on people by remembering that Jesus never gives up on us.  As He does for us, may we do for others.

The Secret To Contentment

Our happiness does not depend upon us getting something we want or getting rid of something we don’t want. The secret to contentment, regardless of what we have and don’t have, what we get to do and don’t get to do, who we are and who we are not, is to expect Jesus to fulfil the longings of our hearts.   When we look to Him for hope, peace, rest, comfort, courage, security, companionship, strength, and provision, and trust that He will sustain us and satisfy us in all circumstances, God is honored in us, and we are happy in Him. We can be joyfully content whether we have little or much because we have it all in Jesus.