Asking For More Grace

You are not bothering God when you ask Him for more grace.  He isn’t too busy or too disinterested.  He doesn’t need to put something more important on hold to help you.  Listen… There is no sin so big that God won’t forgive it and no sin so small that God will ignore it.  There is no stronghold so powerful that God can’t break it and no stronghold so flimsy that God wants you to get free on your own.  There is no problem so significant that God won’t handle it and no problem so petty that God doesn’t care about it.  He does trillions of things in running the universe.  One of His favorites is hearing from and helping you.

His Grace Is Always Enough

Faith in God’s future grace destroys fear, frustration, anxiety, worry, jealousy, envy, vanity, idolatry, insecurity, doubt, selfishness and worldliness in the present.  When we trust in all that God has promised to do for us, give to us and be for us, it rids us of what is robbing us of real joy in Jesus.  Belief that God knows best, does what is best and will give us what is best every moment for the rest of our lives sustains us when we have to give up something we want or go through something we don’t want.  No matter what happens today, let us be sure to praise God and let us be sure of this:  His grace is always enough.

Grace Will Always Come Alongside To Help

It’s not just about your past and your future.  It’s also about your present.  Our sinful separation from God is behind us, and our face-to-face fellowship with Him is ahead of us. In between the two is the nowness of everyday life. And grace is there. The way that God works in our lives is very practical for the right here, right now moments of our lives.  You will not face a single situation today, good or bad, self-induced or involuntary, hard or easy, quick or lasting, anticipated or unexpected, that God has not provided for.  No matter what is happening on the inside or the outside, grace will always come alongside to help.

The Giving And Receiving Sides Of Grace

Grace has two sides, a giving side and a receiving side.  God gives.  We receive.  How do we receive God’s grace?  By faith.  Faith is the only appropriate response to the grace of God for it is the only response that appropriates the grace of God.  We must believe in order to receive.  The gracious pardon, power and provision that God freely offers us must be received by faith in order for us to personally experience it.  It is only ours by trusting in Jesus. By grace, through faith, our sins are forgiven and our future is secured.  Day by day, we look to Jesus in faith for all that we need, confident that His grace will deliver it.

Salvation Is Received, Not Achieved

Salvation is received, not achieved.  We cannot do anything to deserve it or earn it, not even acts of obedience or righteousness.  God does it all… The Father wills it.  The Son secures it.  The Holy Spirit administers it.  What a gift!  What a God! He doesn’t help those who help themselves; He helps those who cannot help themselves.  From start to finish, it’s all by grace… Chosen.  Called.  Converted.  Completed.  Someday every genuine believer will be fully and forever delivered from the presence of sin into the presence of God.  Not because we are able to keep the law, but because Jesus is able to keep us.

Rescued From Something For Something

What does it mean to be “saved” by grace? It means to be rescued from something for something.  From sin, for righteousness.  From Satan, for God.  From punishment, for reward.  From death, for life.  From hell, for heaven.  From wrath, for joy.  From brokenness, for glory.  We must be rescued because we are incapable of reversing the curse on mankind caused by our sin.  God is undoing all of the horrible things that sin has done and replacing them all with good things, beautiful things, joyful things, perfect things, eternal things. This is all by grace, which means…The only requirement for salvation is receiving it by faith.

His Perfect Life For Our Imperfect Ones

If you think you can simply be a “good person” to get into heaven when you die, then you have grossly underestimated what God requires for entrance. Something we need to understand is this: our standards may be low enough that we can meet them, but God’s are high enough that we never will.  As sinners, the best we can do does not measure up.  The good news is this:  We don’t have to because Jesus already did on behalf of all who put their trust in Him.  Jesus lived for us.  Jesus died for us.  Someday we will be accepted into heaven by grace through faith in this: He exchanged His perfect life for our imperfect ones.

Someone Had To Pay

Nothing is free.  When a gift is received, someone had to first secure it.  Someone had to cover the cost.  Someone had to pay.   You and I are grace recipients who are gifted divine blessings.  These are… Gifts, not wages.  Free to us, not earned by us.  Heaven-sent, not earth-generated.  But let’s never, no never, lose sight of this truth:  they came at a staggeringly high cost.  Someone had to pay, and that Someone was Jesus.  Except for what He did on the cross, sinners like you and me would get nothing but judgment. Instead, we get every good thing God has purposed for us. We get it all because Jesus paid for it all.

God Helps Those Who Cannot Help Themselves

Nothing and everything.  If you don’t understand both of these aspects of grace, you don’t understand grace.  As sinful people, we can do nothing to meet God’s standards, avoid God’s wrath, deserve God’s blessing, earn God’s forgiveness, or enter God’s heaven.  But God did everything by sending Jesus to forgive us, free us and favor us so we can enjoy a rich and restored relationship with Him forever.  We don’t buy from, bargain with or bribe God for what He does for us; we receive it freely by faith. The reality of grace is… God doesn’t help those who help themselves.  He helps those who cannot help themselves.

Grace Has The Final Word

The biblical story is about a God of grace sending His Son to people in need of grace to rescue them from sin by grace so we can be welcomed into His family to live by grace and serve as ambassadors who tell others about His grace so they might also experience His grace.  This beautiful narrative is one in which God repeatedly reaches down to and out for an undeserving people who repeatedly push against and away from Him.  Where sin abounds, grace abounds even more! When you trust in Jesus, you can know this: Your chapter in the story is unfolding, and its end has already been written.  Grace has the final word.

Grace Is All Around Us

We know grace is God’s “unmerited forgiveness, freedom and favor” toward us, but that’s very generalized. What does it specifically look like in everyday life?  It looks like: forgiveness during failures, peace during storms, hope during trials, comfort during heartaches, joy during suffering, guidance during uncertainty, rest during busyness, strength during temptation, blessing during good times, help during bad times, and so much more.  But even that is not as pin-point accurate as grace really is, for it shows up in countless minutiae within each of those categories.  Look and see… Grace is all around us.

It’s A Buffet, Not A Bite

By grace, God serves up an endless feast of soul-nourishing, soul-delighting blessings for those who trust in Jesus. This includes:  forgiveness, friendship, freedom, wisdom, power, peace, purpose, joy, hope, security, rest, justice, thankfulness, assurance, deliverance, guidance, significance, endurance, comfort, companionship, care, courage, transformation, satisfaction, love and life. And this is not a complete list!  The countless implications and applications of the benefits that are ours by grace are staggering and extend from now until eternity.  It’s a buffet, not a bite. In Jesus, we have the life we’ve always wanted.

Grace Is

Grace is the forgiveness, freedom and favor of God given freely to us. It is forgiveness… God is just and cannot simply ignore our sin; He is also the Justifier Who sent Jesus to be punished in our place in order to pardon us.  It is freedom… Sin’s controlling, enslaving influence in us has been broken, and we are empowered not to sin as we live by God’s indwelling Spirit.  It is favor … Every good thing in our lives is a gift from heaven that would not be ours apart from Him.  This grace is unlimited and unending, so even as we stumble in our faith, there will always be… More forgiveness.  More freedom.  More favor.

Grace Has Gotten Us This Far And Grace Will Get Us …

Every good thing about who we are, what we do or what we have is the result of God’s grace.  It is all undeserved and unmerited.  Yes… We may live wisely.  We may be highly motivated. We may work hard.  But none of this originates with us because God freely supplied the ability, opportunity, voracity and community to make these things possible. He’s been working on our behalf our entire lives! Because God is gracious, we do not have the fear, frustration, or futility that comes from depending on ourselves when we depend on Him. Rest in this today: grace has gotten us this far; grace will get us all the way home.

The Evidence Of God’s Grace

What is going on in your life today?  If something good is happening, it’s by grace.  If something bad is being handled, it’s by grace.  That sunset, steak and surprise text.  That’s by grace.  The trial you’re getting through and the trouble you got through.  Yep, grace.  Your ability, opportunity and community … grace, grace, grace.  The tears wiped away and the smiles of the day.  Grace on top of grace.   Beating hearts, peaceful sleep, acts of service, growing pains, caring friends, strength to continue, paid bills, lessons learned, fresh water, hugs. You can’t look in any direction without seeing the evidence of God’s grace.

Grace To Begin Again

There are three questions we should regularly ask in an honest-as-we-can-be evaluation of our spiritual journey with Jesus. First, how am I relating to God through my daily prayer and Bible time? Second, how regular and authentic is my corporate worship with others? Third, how am I stewarding my time and resources for the kingdom of God?  These are essential parts of us knowing Jesus and making Him known so that God is honored in us and we are happy in Him.  When we have been less-than-faithful in these areas, let us ask God for grace to begin again, rejoicing that He will never stop being fully faithful to us.

God Is Working While We Wait

We don’t know what it means.  We don’t know what is coming.  We don’t know what to do.   In times when the diagnosis is unknown, the situation is unresolved, the path is unfamiliar or the outcome is uncertain, what should we do?  Sometimes the thing we are to do is to do nothing.  We wait.  We wait on the Lord.  We wait in hope on the Lord.  We wait in hope on the Lord to guide us, help us and deliver us.  While it’s not easy to wait, it’s comforting to know that grace is on its way and that God will make a way.  As our lives are on hold, let us remember with joy this beautiful truth: God is working while we wait.

Grace-Driven Effort, Not Human Effort

There are many things that God requires us to do as followers of Jesus.  But it’s important we understand that it is grace-driven effort and not human effort that enables and encourages all of our obedience, service and every form of performance as Christians.  We do everything secure in grace, by faith in grace, through reliance on grace and in gratitude for grace.   His work saves us before we do our work.  His work guides us to do our work.  His work gives us power to do our work.  His work makes us happy to do our work.  Let us remember… Whatever the will of God calls us to do, the grace of God will cause us to do.

Infused With His Mercy

When we are moved by the mercy of God shown to us in Christ, we will move to show it to others.    The merciful extend forgiveness for sin and kindness in suffering to the people around them because they have experienced it themselves.  They have soft hearts, not hard ones.  They have reaching hands, not folded ones.  They have loving mouths, not condemning ones.  This is only possible when the God of mercy takes our natural inclination to be intolerant or indifferent and supernaturally infuses us with His delight to do good to the needy.  Today, let us ask Him to help us deal with others like He deals with us.

The Most Rewarding Thing We Can Ever Do

The most rewarding thing we can ever do is admit our lostness, helplessness and unworthiness to enter God’s kingdom, and depend completely on His mercy and grace.  When we acknowledge our need for God and turn to Him in faith, we are given access to His kingdom and all of its benefits for us in Christ. The kingdom of heaven has a King … and it’s not you or me.  It’s an infinitely wiser, stronger, kinder King who rules over the lives of His people for their good and unleashes so many blessings on them that it will take an eternity to experience them all.  We get a foretaste for now and a feast forever. All hail King Jesus!