Dying Ready

Dying ready is not about trying hard to do more and be better so God will accept you into heaven when this life is over.  Instead, it’s about trusting in Jesus and the work He has finished on your behalf and, in response, finishing the work that Jesus has entrusted to you.  We don’t work for our salvation; we work out our salvation.  We don’t pay Him back.  We love Him back.  With our hope in Him, we journey homeward in loving obedience (though imperfectly executed) knowing that the death we once feared is actually the doorway to full and lasting joy with Him.  Death is not the end; it is just the beginning.

Things Will Look Much Different

Remember this as you follow Jesus in faith:  it’s not what happens to us that is of greatest importance, but rather the result of what happens to us.  Things often won’t go as we plan, things often won’t work out like we hope, and things often won’t be as simple or easy or comfy as we would like.  But in the hands and plans of God, our struggles are not setbacks. They are stepping stones to the good result He has in mind. So… Don’t stop believing.  Don’t stop proceeding.  Something good is coming even if you don’t yet see it. Take heart! Things would look much better if we could see them not as they are, but as they will be.

To Put Us On The Right Path

God sees what we cannot.  While delays, detours and dead-ends can bring about disappointment and frustration, they may be God’s way of blocking us from something He doesn’t mean for us to do or have because it is not good for us or others in the end.  Let us rejoice when this happens, for when God says “No” to our plans, He is saying “Yes” to something He has planned that is far better.  Costly mistakes are avoided, and wonderful blessings are gained when He steps in to order our steps. Remember: when God graciously reroutes the lives of those who are trusting in Jesus, it is always to put us on the right path.

Set Your Sights On Eternity

One of the enemy’s biggest lies is convincing us to live as if this life is all there is.  He wants us to prioritize and pursue things that won’t matter for long over things that will matter forever. But everything looks different when you look past the temporary to eternity.   This place isn’t our home; we’re heading home.  This life won’t last forever; the next life will.  This treasure trove will fade away; the ones laid up in heaven have an everlasting shine.  Yes, let us enjoy our time on earth and the things of earth as God means for us to do.  But, even more, let us think, feel, speak and act as people who have set their sights on eternity.

You Are In The Boat Together

Some storms build slowly.  Some storms develop quickly.  Some storms end quickly.  Some storms disappear slowly.  But… No matter how great or lasting the storm that arises in your life, Jesus rules in absolute control over when it rages and when it ceases. It doesn’t get in the way of His plan working out; it’s a way of working out His plan. Even storms serve His purposes for good! Listen… If you trust Jesus for eternal life, then trust Him during everyday life.  And if the storm doesn’t scare Him, it shouldn’t scare you either.  Why not?  Because you are in the boat together, and He’s already promised to get you to the other side.

Counting Correctly

Christians should count the various trials in our lives as joy. Not as defeat.  Not as pleasant.  Not as punishment.  Not as meaningless.  Not as insignificant.  Not as a reason to complain.  Not as a lack of God’s care.   Trials can be many things, but they cannot be joy-stealers unless we let them. While it may feel like trials are breaking you today, you can be sure that God is building you up through them in ways that are going to be amazingly good in the days to come.   Your faith muscle becoming stronger.  Your deliverance becoming sooner.  Your witness becoming louder.  Your homecoming becoming sweeter.   Yes, you have hardships; but you also have hope.

What You Will Discover

What you’ll discover about life with Jesus is this… The better you know Him, the longer you follow Him, and the greater you enjoy Him, the deeper you will experience all the blessings and benefits of God’s grace.  He will be honored in you and you will be happy in Him.  And that’s what grace is all about.  God and sinner reconciled so that… God receives the full and lasting worship He’s always deserved, and you receive the full and lasting happiness you’ve always wanted.  It starts now, grows over time, and will extend into eternity where it will explode into unhindered, unbridled, uninterrupted pleasure forevermore.

Following Jesus Is A Journey

Following Jesus is a journey.  Where do you go from here?  What is your next step?  Step one is to welcome Jesus into your life for Who He is:  Savior, Provider, Counselor, Leader, King, Treasure.  If you have never repented of your sinful life apart from Him and received the life that comes with Him, then by faith ask God for this right now.  If you really mean it in your heart, He will give it to you.  Step two onward is to grow in grace.  Step after step, you let Jesus be Who He is … for you.  You seek to know Him, follow Him and enjoy Him, letting His peace, hope and joy rule in your heart as He rules your life for your good.

Relying On And Resting In Grace

We’re given… New identities.  New desires.  New lives.  New futures.  Christians have a faith in Jesus that is demonstrated by loving obedience, though imperfectly executed.  That means there is grace to help us get this right, and there is grace to help us when we get this wrong.  Our entire spiritual journey is one in which we rely on grace to take steps of faith in living as God intends for us, and in which we rest in that same grace when we take mis-steps knowing that God won’t give up on us.  Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith, and we can be sure of this:  God will finish what He starts in us.

Faith Is Saying Yes And No

Faith is saying “yes” to God’s grace by agreeing with Him that you’re a sinner who cannot do anything to make yourself good enough to be accepted by Him, and then by asking Him to begin a good work in you to increasingly change you into a radically new person that is acceptable to Him.  Faith is also saying “no” to our old lives of indifference and rebellion to God by turning away from them to Him.  We mean it when we say of our sin: “I did it.  I regret doing it.  Help me not to do it again.  Lead me to something better in you.”  When that happens… God doesn’t just give us different lives; He makes us into different people.

Grace Poses A Question

Grace is God’s answer to the question of how sinners like you and me could ever be welcomed into His presence, His family and His blessing.  Then, grace poses a question for us to answer:  will you receive it? The gospel of grace is only good news if it is true, if you are included in it, and if you believe it.   It is true.  You can be included.  Do you believe?  You can have it all if you believe that Jesus is Who the Bible says He is, that Jesus did what the Bible says He did, and that Jesus will deliver all the Bible says He will.  Grace leads us to Jesus.  Faith leads us to follow Jesus.  Nearness leads us to love, enjoy and become more like Jesus.

He Opened His Mouth And Taught Them

“And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying…” – Matthew 5:2

When Jesus makes promises, you can count on them to come true.  When Jesus gives commandments, you can count on Him to help you.  When Jesus transforms hearts, you can count on it changing what you do.  The Beatitudes are not a suggestion for how should you live in order to earn your way into His kingdom, but rather a description of how you will live if you have already entered His kingdom.  By grace, through faith, producing good works, with love, in power, for joy, to the glory of God.  You can have assurance that you are on the right path if there is evidence that you are walking with Jesus on it.

Prioritize Pleasing God

The paths will divide.  The objectives will conflict.  The plans will differ.  The desires will compete.  The advice will disagree.  We will often find ourselves having to choose sides for who we will listen to, go with and live to the satisfaction of … God or people.  We simply cannot be and do what will make Him happy and others happy at the same time, all the time.  Rather than compromising to satisfy the crowd, let us show others the better path, the better objective, the better plan, the better desire and the better advice found in the good news of Jesus.  Today, by grace, let us prioritize pleasing God over pleasing people.

The Prayer That Never Fails

There are many things that are true about prayer.  One of them is this:  prayer involves seeking what we need to do what God wants.  We don’t talk to God in order to secure what we need to build our own kingdoms; we talk to God to request what we need to live for His kingdom.  Prayer is not a hotline to heaven we use to override His will so He will give us what we think will make us happy; it is a lifeline to heaven we use to ask Him to show us His will and make us happy with what He gives us.  This is the prayer that never fails:  Your will be done in my life as it is in heaven.

The Son Will Shine His Light

Darkness isn’t just the time between dusk and dawn; it’s also any time you are facing the unknown.  This is especially true of those seasons of suffering when the light at the end of your tunnel is nowhere to be seen.  It is during those times that you must not give up hope.  For even on those dark days when you can’t see what is up next, what step to take next or how anything good will come next, hope remains. Jesus is still there and Jesus still cares! Ask Him to give you the faith and inner strength that is needed to endure. And though the outer darkness may yet linger, the Son will rise and shine His light in your heart.

Not As They Are, But As They Will Be

Remember this as you follow Jesus in faith:  it’s not what happens to us that is of greatest importance, but rather the result of what happens to us.  Things often won’t go as we plan, things often won’t work out like we hope, and things often won’t be as simple or easy or comfy as we would like.  But in the hands and plans of God, our struggles are not setbacks. They are stepping stones to the good result He has in mind. So… Don’t stop believing.  Don’t stop proceeding.  Something good is coming even if you don’t yet see it. Take heart! Things would look much better if we could see them not as they are, but as they will be.

Blessed Are The Meek

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” – Matthew 5:5

Meekness comes from possessing God’s power and using it for God’s purpose as we trust in God’s providence.  We are not weak; we are strong.  We are not prideful; we are humble.  We are not frantic; we are patient.  How is this possible?  Because of our faith in Jesus, we have the help of God to do all things that He wills as good, and hope in God to work all things out for good.  The more we trust in and submit to His will, the less we will feel the need and desire to force our own as we deal rightly with the people and problems in our lives.  After all, we have God’s assurance for what is waiting ahead for us.

Dressed For Battle

God does not send us ill-equipped into battle against the enemy of our soul.  Instead, He dresses us in His own armor.  In order for us to fight the good fight of faith, we must put on that armor of God … ahead of time, in advance of the skirmish.  We put ourselves and others at extreme risk if we wait until the battle begins to ready ourselves for war against sin and evil.  The enemy does not allow us to call timeout or grant us a recess to gather our ammunition and put up our shield.    This is why we should arm ourselves with a daily dose of God’s instructions, truths, and promises found in God’s Word.  Slow down and suit up.

Christians Aren’t Exempt From Hurt

Christians aren’t exempt from hurt. No matter what precautions we take to safeguard our lives or how hard we work at being godly people, something will inevitably come uninvited, unannounced, and unwanted into our lives and cause us pain. Yet… Healing will come. Comfort will come. Justice will come. Restoration will come. Deliverance will come.Joy will come. Salvation will come.  Eternal life will come. This is all true because Jesus has come. Take heart in this:  He has come to join us in our suffering; indeed to suffer in our place on the cross so that one day we can enter into a place where there is no suffering at all.

The Right Response To Failure Is Faith

Do you know what your failure is for?  It has a purpose, and that purpose is to help you succeed.  Not just so you’ll try harder next time.  Not just so you’ll be wiser next time.  Not just so you’ll do better next time. But rather so you will rely more fully on Jesus next time.  His strength.  His guidance.  His way.  His plan.  His timing. His help. Failure, futility and frustration are intended to move you away from self-reliance to Savior-reliance, and that move is always for the better.  It is always the first and foundational step to real success. The right response to failure is faith, for every person who turns to and trusts in Jesus will win in the end.