That’s What Faith Is For

Dec 19, 2021

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28

How freeing it is to embrace with confidence that God has allowed some things into our lives and others things to be missing from them for a reason that is good.  Even if we have no idea what that reason is.  Or how it can possibly be for good. For those who are trusting in Jesus, God is always doing much more in us, for us, around us, and through us than we are aware of.  All we see is the show, but He is working behind the scenes.  We don’t have to make sense out of everything that is going on or that we are going through; but we do need to trust that God is tirelessly at work in ways that would make sense if we knew all that He knows.  And when we can’t see it with our eyes, let us believe it in our hearts.  That’s what faith is for.

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