Do You Know What I Do?

Jul 30, 2021

Do you know what I do when I don’t know what to do?  I pray.  Do you know what I do when I need strength to do what I have been led to do?  I pray.  Do you know what I do when I experience difficult people or problems as I’m doing what I’m supposed to do?  I pray.  Do you know what I do when I grow weary doing the right things?  I pray.  Do you what I do when I get distracted by temptations to do wrong things?  I pray.  Do you know what I do when things don’t work out how I thought they would as I’m doing what I should?  I pray.  Do you know what I do when I have done what I was given to do? I pray.  God’s answers to prayer include wisdom, strength, help, endurance, freedom, hope and thanksgiving.  Prayer changes things; and it begins by changing us.

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