And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. – Philippians 4:19-20
God will provide for you in time of need. God will transform you into who you were made to be. God will deliver you from evil. God will use you to make a difference. God will bring you incredible joy and peace. God will forgive you for your sin. God will work in you and for you and through you in countless ways. But He likely won’t do many of those things in the way you think He will. Instead, He will astonish you with a “didn’t see that coming” choice of the 81st way you might have thought He’d come through for you. Think about it… He delivered the Israelites from the Philistine giant through a shepherd boy. He tore down the walls of the fortified city Jericho with marching trumpeters. He allowed an innocent man to spend years in prison to provide during a famine. He strengthened the faith of the disciples by sending them into a terrifying storm. He restored the sight of a blind man by taking spit and rubbing it in his eyes. He converted Saul from a church persecutor into a church planter. And the single most wondrous unlikelihood of them all… He sent Jesus to be born in a lowly manger and crushed on the cross to save sinners like you and me. No one would have scripted these events. No one except God. He does the unexpected. He does the unexplainable. He does the unparalleled. Our God weaves a story so incredible that it takes faith to believe it could be true. That’s what He does for you and me. He takes care of us in ways that can only be Him at work. Why? So He gets the glory forever and ever, amen! We get the help and God gets the honor. What. A. Deal. Today, expect God to work in your life for good. Just don’t expect Him to do it like you think He will.