Receiving The Gift Of God’s Son

Dec 11, 2020

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.  – John 1:12-13


You can’t think about Christmas without thinking about gifts.  Gift-shopping.  Gift-wrapping.  Gift-giving.  Gift-exchanging.  Gift-receiving.   You recognize most of these things when they happen as you make the payment, put the bow on top, hand a box or bag to someone and take what is given to you.  But there is something more about “receiving” that must be considered.  What does it really mean for someone to receive a gift?  It means that the gift has had its intended effect in the life of the one to whom it was given.  The gift wasn’t ignored, but rather was… worn, admired, enjoyed, watched, sprayed on, driven, laughed at, listened to, eaten, put to work or played with.  In a very real sense, an unused gift is an unreceived gift.  That’s why some people become children of God and some do not … they are either changed by the Christmas gift of God’s Son that is offered to them or they live as if He isn’t even there.  People who have “received him, who believe in his name” are forever being transformed by His presence in their lives.   His grace is having its intended effect upon them as they become more like Him, walk more with Him, look more to Him and long more for Him in everyday life.  How can you and I know if we have received the gift of God’s Son?  We do not ignore Jesus.  Instead, by faith in Him we regularly-though-imperfectly look to Him to… Rule our lives.  Satisfy our hearts.  Heal our hurts.  Guide our decisions.  Lift our spirits.  Forgive our sins. Control our destiny. Meet our needs. Prompt our repentance. Fuel our hope.  Motivate our service.  Merit our salvation.  This and much more are yours today if you will just believe and receive.  For the more we embrace and experience this Gift to us, the more wonderful and beautiful it gets to us.

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